Debt collection is an extremely delicate activity, in which the costs/benefits ratio must be closely monitored, and thus there is an ever-present goal of avoiding any wasted action.
Another key point in debt recovery is speed of execution, starting with the management of the collections in your company, and ending with efficient legal management.
It is important to know that appropriate procedures within the company make it possible to multiply the probability of recovery, preventing the well-know time-factor dangers (see the paragraph entitled “recommended business procedures”).
On our part, we can guarantee our client optimum management of debt recovery cases. We constantly monitor the most suitable actions to take in relation to each case (see the paragraph entitled “plans of action”), as well as gauging the presumable economic cost of any legal initiative.
At the end of each case, the client will be sure of obtaining the best result, with the lowest cost in the shortest time.
You will be able to say that you’ve done the best you could to collect your unpaid credits.
Fax +39 011 4464115
Viale del Castello, 1
10024 Moncalieri (TO) ITALIA